2015-2016 DesignInquiry Fellows


DesignInquiry is pleased to announce the 2015-2016 DesignInquiry Fellows.

Chris Fox
Jonanthan Novak
Arzu Ozkal
Tricia Treacy
Joshual Unikel
The Calderwood Collective (Steve Bowden, Neil Patel, Peter Evonuk)

DesignInquiry Fellows begin their fellowship at NO QUO and continue a year-long engagement with DI projects, programs and people. The fellowship allows for longer conversations, expanded networks and radical access, all with the intention of developing and sharing new perspectives and outcomes on urgent and timely topics.

DesignInquiry wishes to acknowledge and thank the Moser Family Foundation and the DesignInquiry community in its support of the new Fellowship program. Thank you for fostering the interdisciplinary discourse of design.