Donate to DesignInquiry

DesignInquiry is a non-profit 501c3 foundation dedicated to expanding the interdisciplinary discourse of design. Your generous donation helps us fund:Making it Possible. DesignInquiry scholarships help ensure that DesignInquiry attracts a diverse and ever-changing mix of people. More often than not, DI fellowships are awarded to practitioners engaged in a turning point in their practice; people needing support in order to make critical connections at a critical time.

Creating a Record. (Ad)Ventures such as our online space, printed documents, videos, objects and exhibitions, as well as our efforts to create a radical archive, all contribute to the zeitgeist of interdisciplinary design discourse. These records are evidence of collaborative design practice exploring urgent and timely topics over ten years (and counting.)

Even a small donation makes a huge impact in the DI universe. Participating in this way helps to raise the bar; to bring in more and better participants, to raise production values, to disseminate. DesignInquiry thanks you for your support.

Special thanks to major support from:
MF Foundation | Concordia University Office of the Vice-President, Research & Graduate Studies | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council University of Lethbridge | Universität der Künste Berlin (University of the Arts Berlin) | Wayne State University | Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit