Now in its tenth year, DesignInquiry is a collaborative non-conference founded by Peter Hall, Margo Halverson, and Melle Hammer. It received its not-for-profit status in 2007. A diverse and lively cast of thinkers, makers, practitioners continue to contribute to DesignInquiry’s expanding and evolving notion of design and work.
one > Margo Halverson was founder and director of msigd Maine Summer Institute Graphic Designbeginning in 1992. She invited Melle Hammer as faculty in 2000 & 2002.
two > Together Margo & Melle designed a new program, inviting Peter Hall to help drive this experiment in 2004.
three > DesignInquiry left the umbrella institution Maine College of Art and began again on an island off Maine so we could all cook. Literally.
four > In 2007 DesignInquiry became an educational 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a board of directors. Now we’re flying, grateful, busy, determined, and happy.